Rob Z Radio

382 The Reticular Activating System & the badassery of our Brain



Have you ever noticed that when you are aware of something new and paying particular attention to something in your life, that that thing seems to show up everywhere you go? That is the work of our brains "Reticular Activating System". So what does this mean?While it may be a fairly small part of your brain, the RAS has a very important role: it's the gatekeeper of information that is let into the conscious mind. This little bit of brain matter is responsible for filtering the massive amounts of information your sensory organs are constantly throwing at it and selecting the ones that are most important for your conscious mind to pay attention to. Why do we need this little gatekeeper? Well, your senses are constantly feeding so much information to your brain that you can't possibly pay attention to all of it. The RAS never gets a break! ~ more technical...The ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), also known as