You're Gonna Love This... Or Not...

Y2E11 - Blood Freak



Welcome to Year Two of You’re Gonna Love This… or Not…! For those who have just joined us, this podcast features Matt, who loves watching bad movies in his basement, and Josh, who loves giving Matt grief for his love of bad movies. Every month, Matt is going to bring Josh down to his Subterranean Fun Pit (aka, his basement) and show him one of his favorite bad movies, hoping to find one Josh loves, or at least likes a little bit. On occasion, they bring in guests. Since everybody is still all, "NO MASKS, MAH FREEDUMBS!" the YGLToN crew is still doing their movie watching remotely. This month, they get together with Producer Mike and Editor Lizz to watch 1972's Blood Freak. This film.... you know what? I honestly have no idea how to summarize it, so you're just going to have to listen. So, sit back, put in your earbuds, don't leave your house unless you need to, make sure you have your mask on over your mouth and nose in public, and let them fill your ear holes as you find out what they think!   NOTE: You’re G