Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

You will love again.



I will leave the catastrophe blank for you to fill, and instead tell you that it will get better, in a while, and you will be well again, though you can’t see it now, and you will travel again and eat again and your muscles will grow stronger, again. You will run and laugh and sing and one day you will meet someone who makes your heart beat with no pattern again, and you might try to hide or protect yourself, or compare the different states of love, but you must not grow up, must not act wise when it comes to love. You must stay foolish and fall for every heart will beat in different ways together with yours and love is not meant to be compared, only enjoyed, and suffered, and remembered. So you will meet many ‘someones’ who will give a new definition to your name. And you can not build walls, must not close the door, and please don’t hide, because if you ask me about hurt and love I will say love. Love because the hurt will come and go no matter what, but only love makes it worth while. Only love can c