Divine Amnesia

Alan Cohen on Divine Discontent



Is your life an authentic expression of who you really are? If you lived truer to your joy and passion, what would you be doing differently? Do you recognize the perfect self you are, no matter what your mind or appearances tell you?If you feel there must be more, there is more.Your sense of boredom, contraction, or resentment is your soul's way of letting you know that you are settling for less. While we fear that we may get hurt if we go for our dreams, we hurt ourselves much more by putting up with painful, dysfunctional, or unfulfilling situations.When your discomfort with the status quo out-weighs your fear of making a change, you will move ahead and be grateful for the motion bestowed by divine discontent. visit www.alancohen.comKnowing that "this can't be it" implies that you do know what is it. You may not be able to verbalize what it is, but somewhere inside you, your knowingness lives. Now that you recognize what you don't want, what do you want?A woman who was going through a major life upheaval to