New Dimensions

What Really Matters - Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D - ND3392



Masters illustrates what he means by spiritual bypassing and the addiction to being positive. He describes how our resistance to pain makes the pain worse and suggests we soften around the pain, which can begin to remove the drama around our suffering. He clarifies how we can develop the skill to create some room around pain. His books include: Divine Dynamite: Entering Awakening's Heartland (Tehmenos Press 2006), Transformation Through Intimacy: The Journey Toward Mature Monogamy (Tehmenos Press 2007), Meeting the Dragon: Ending Our Suffering by Entering Our Pain (Tehmenos Press 2008), Spiritual Bypassing: When Spirituality Disconnects Us From What Really Matters (North Atlantic Books 2010)Tags: Robert Masters, Spiritual bypassing, Spiritual by-passing, True spirituality, Authentic spirituality, Metaphysical, valium, Anger, Blind compassion, Fierce compassion, Shadow work, Boundaries, Psychotherapy, Magical thinking, Spirituality, Health & Healing, Intuition/Psychic, Meditation, Personal Transformation