Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

30 The Last Mile



Josh interviews Beverly Parenti co-creator of The Last Mile First, apologies, we faced some unique technical difficulties that we have never faced before. Andy was able to deal with many of the problems, but unfortunately, there is a portion of the interview that still has some feedback and a portion of the interview that has some drift so that the tracks were not lined up correctly. Thank you for your patience and I hope you will still enjoy the interview. This week I published my 69th recap of the television show Orange Is the New Black. I should probably mention that Kathy Morse is also joining in to help out with my Season 6 recaps. In case you were curious, Jeff Sessions would actually be made weaker by the passage of the First Step Act (which is probably why the DOJ has come out in opposition to the bill). I did also write this response to Boots Riley's critique of Spike Lee's movie BlackkKlansman. Beverly Parenti's bio is incredibly impressive. I read many articles and watched many videos about The La