Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

27 Prison Privatization



Josh talks with Bianca Tylek and Michael Crowley about prison privatization and private prisons I forgot to mention that Decarceration Nation was mentioned in the online publication Bustle this week. Thanks to Taylor Maples for including us on the list of "7 Criminal Justice Podcasts to Listen to." If you are a long-time fan of Orange Is the New Black, the guide to all of my recaps covers every season to date. If you are just starting to watch Orange Is the New Black, the first recap covers the first episode of Season 6 from the perspective of formerly incarcerated folks. Bianca Tylek is the Director of the Corrections Accountability Project. Michael Crowley worked at the Office of Management budget under both the Bush and Obama Administrations, he currently works at the Brennan Center for Justice. He was written recent articles on funding priorities for criminal justice reform and about model state movements towards criminal justice reform. I asked the most renowned expert in prison abolition that