Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

26 Philly Free



Josh talks with Reuben Jones and Jondhi Harrell about recent criminal justice reform victories in Philadelphia My newest article is about taking a new approach to sentencing reform that ties reform directly to redressing racial disparity. I have written recaps of all 65 episodes of Orange Is the New Black. Reuben Jones is the Executive Director of Frontline Dads in Philadelphia. Both Reuben and Jondhi are Just Leadership USA Fellows. Reuben worked at the Pennsylvania Prison Society. Reuben discussed working with both the Leon Sullivan Trust and the Pan-African Studies department at Temple University. There is a lot of press discussing the Coalition For a Just DA that resulted in the election of Larry Krasner. Some of the press talked about how broad-based the coalition was. I think Reuben also made reference to what has come to be called the "Krasner Memo" where Mr. Krasner ordered his prosecutors to change the ways that they charge crimes in Philly. I was not able to find the 88.7% figure that Reub