Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

22 Juvenile Life Without Parole



Josh discusses the ongoing problem of Juvenile Life Without Parole sentences. You can easily join Nation Outside or Nation Outside Detroit, we would love to have you on our team. The NFL Players Coalition wrote a letter in response to President Trump's request for them to send him a list of commutations which they would like for him to carry out. I agreed with the vast majority of their letter, my only request, in my response, was that they stop using the term "non-violent" to qualify who was worthy of relief. If you want to watch Knife Skills, it is well worth your time, I am looking very much forward to this upcoming interview. It is about a restaurant in Cleveland that serves as a training center to teach formerly incarcerated people the skills to work in a fine dining environment. Donna Hylton's book, "A Little Piece Of Light" is available for purchase now. Pennsylvania recently passed Clean Slate legislation. Rebecca Vallas is also the host of the Off-Kilter podcast and a friend. Jay