Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

18 First Step Act



Josh discusses the First Step Act with Ames Grawert, Jessica-Jackson Sloan, and Jason Pye The First Step Act will be voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives on 5/22/2018. Ames Grawert is a Senior Counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice. Jessica Jackson-Sloan is the co-founder of the Cut 50 initiative. Jason Pye is the Vice-President for Legislative Affairs at Freedom Works. Jess Sessions is well-known for his antipathy towards criminal justice reform and for his undying commitment to mandatory minimum sentencing. Jared Kushner's father did 14 months in a Federal facility in Montgomery. Senator Chuck Grassley has introduced the complementary (or rival) Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, which is currently in the US Senate. I misspoke, a President cannot "table" passed legislation but he can refuse to sign it for up to ten days. If the President does not sign a passed bill after ten days it becomes law. The First Step has exposed splits in the left-leaning criminal justice reform community