Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

17 Bars 2 Ballots



Josh talks about the importance of voting as a formerly incarcerated person and the problems caused when we don't vote The 14th Amendment to the Constitution allows states to deny the vote to formerly incarcerated folks. I quoted two articles about poor folks not voting, first an article from The Guardian and second an article from The Root. I have written two pieces about Medicare work requirements and both include links to all of the important research that has been done demonstrating that Medicaid work requirements don't work. The first article was about the history of work requirements in general and the second article was about the bill inserting work requirements into Michigan's Healthy Michigan plan. I also made reference to research from the University of Michigan published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The citation is in the two articles above. The hashtag is #Bars2Ballots.