Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

14 Bill Cobbs



A recent interview between Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Cobbs and Josh about criminal justice reform in Michigan. If you are not familiar with what is going on with water in Michigan. The State approved Nestle's new contract to remove even more water from the Great Lakes, Flint had State supplied water suspended while the Flint school's were and are still testing high for lead and we discussed Detroit's ongoing water crisis. The crisis in public schools in Michigan accelerated after the onset of the so-called "school choice" reforms in Michigan. Abandoned houses and how to deal with them is a huge issue in Detroit. Michigan is one of five states in America that has not raised the age to ensure that 17-year-olds are not presumptively tried as adults. I am a volunteer at MCCD who are working to Raise the Age in Michigan. Michigan passed a number of mental health reforms recently, including diversion programs, but mental health care inside our jails and prisons still lags far behind. The Subox