Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

8 Dignity Act



Josh and Joel discuss both the Dignity For Incarcerated Women Act and the National Day of Empathy (March 6th). The National Day of Empathy was created by the Cut 50 organization (created by Van Jones). The main campaigns for the 2018 Day of Empathy are to push: The Dignity For Incarcerated Women Act of 2018 and Clean Slate Legislation Cut 50 has several pages on their site about the Dignity Act. I created this easy to use guide to all 65 of the recaps that I wrote of the episodes of Orange Is the New Black. There is a lot of popular press on the erasure of women from the national discussion about criminal justice reform. There has also been good work done clarifying the need for specific work to be done on women's issues within criminal justice reform efforts. i made one really dumb statement. Many of the reforms for women in Michigan's DOC were created by the HARD work of the inmates (not just because of Heidi Washington). Thanks to folks like Monica Jahner and lots of other women in Michigan, we have a be