Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

6 Plea Bargains



The problem with plea bargains. My book Writing Your Own Best Story: Addiction + Living Hope, is available on Amazon. My friend Aaron's organization is called "A Brighter Way" and we are also both involved with Michigan's Nation Outside. The Judge Rakoff quote was found in this New York Review of Books article. A Few Good Men was an American drama about a lawyer fighting the court-martial of two Guantanamo Bay Marines starring Tom Cruise and Demi Moore. The Judge John Kane quote was from this Marshall Project article about Plea Bargaining and innocence. Michelle Alexander is the author of the very influential and popular book, "The New Jim Crow." There is a lot of evidence about why Innocent People Accept Plea Bargains. The Marshall Project piece above is a good summary. We also mention this article from the Atlantic Monthly several times during the podcast. Professor Jenia Turner's quote comes from her extensive article on plea bargaining. Most of the alternatives that we discuss come fr