Decarceration Nation (with Josh And Joel)

4 Cash Bail



Explaining the problems with cash bail. Midnight Run was a movie about a bail bondsman (Robert DiNero) hunting down a bail jumper (Charles Grodin) who was on the run from the mob. Here is the full report from the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard that we refer to throughout Episode 4. Just Leadership USA is a New York-based Criminal Justice Reform organization. One of their major campaigns is the Close Rikers campaign. They are also now pushing bail reform (synchronicity). Here is a good synopsis of the Kalief Browder story. I mistakenly said in the podcast that Mr. Browder committed suicide in jail. He actually committed suicide after release (RIP Kalief Browder). I made mention of Kalief Browder and plea bargaining. Here is some more context on his brave stand. Here is a good synopsis of the tragic story of Sandra Bland's trip to jail in Texas. There are a LOT of things I could post about the Macomb County Jail. Here is the link to the Independent Report that was done on Macomb. In addition, there