Tdh Voice

Season 1 Trailer



Almost 21 million Americans struggle with substance addiction first-handbut there is also a lot of people struggling peripherally. Ask around. Everyone knows at least one person in their life who has cared about someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. Be it parents, children, friends, spouses, or colleagues - whether we are conscious of it or not - as a society we are all affected in one way or another. Perhaps in what may be seen as bigger danger as the epidemic itself, are the often one-dimensional stories that we tend to hear and project when it comes to the topic of addiction in America. The high school senior quarterback who got hooked on Percocet despite his shining future. The stay at home soccer mom who drinks three too many bottles of wine a day just to pull through. You’ll definitely hear these stories here. But we aren’t just sharing the stories that fit our idea of what addiction looks like. TDH Voice is a twice-monthly podcast all about addiction from every perspective of what has been called the m