Shared Diversity Podcast

PERSONAL BRANDING and why it is important {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -



You get easily distracted from the competition? Wondering how to compete effectively? This episode is all about crushing your competition. How? By focusing on your personal brand.   We will cover what is personal branding and why it is important!   Leave your comment below: What are you struggling with right now in your brand? You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel! Transcript: Just ask yourself the question: When have you compared yourself the last time to your competition and do you really know how to compete effectively? Comparison is so normal it happens to all of us if you are small or big if you are in the first stage of your business or very much advanced in what you do. You just compare yourself and you think I don't know how I can really level up to their level. How come they are crushing me and it can be really frustrating. The first takeaway I would give you is: Creativity does