#zacattack: The Zac Efron Podcast

033 The Disaster Artist (2017)



After months of waiting, #ZacAttack is finally back with a brand new episode! Turns out, maybe we should have kept waiting. We all love The Room, and we all love the fact that Zac Efron is (undeniably) the best part of The Disaster Artist, but this movie goes wrong in so many ways. To make sure we did our very best in covering this movie, The Room, and the magic that is Tommy Wiseau, Joey and Joe Two brought in Chris from Now and Again to talk about the history of The Room, its journey from movie to cult classic, as well as the book and movie versions of The Disaster Artist. Then, as we do every time, we play game after game, and even dive into the mailbag to find a wonderful surprise! In the end, Chris-R is all of us, and we are all Chris-R.