Jody England

When In Doubt, Surrender



One Million Ways to Surrender… If I were to write a thesis on my recent trip to Kauai, that would be the title.I love that place. The perfect blend of magik and majesty. Nature and nurture.This time was different than last year when I was there.Rainy, chilly, windy, turbulent.And that was just the weather.I went for a week long intensive of some of the deepest, most potent personal work I’ve done so far.I was stretched -- in all the ways.At the beginning of one of my initial fathomless dives, my guides gave me a navigational tip to support my experience.They knew where I’d be going and what would be required of me to open into the transformation at hand.This gentle Grace served as narrator, cheerleader, lover, and healer throughout the tight places and seemingly untraversable landscapes I encountered.When In Doubt, Surrender.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week, I attempt to translate the depths of the wisdom of these four little words.Profound and simple.Complex and far-reaching.All of Life is really a game