Jody England

We are the Flow, We are the Ebb



Greetings, Sister,The tide of the Divine Feminine is rising. She is making Her Return in big and small ways across the planet.Did you happen to witness the holy spectacle of Beyonce in full-on Goddess Glory, taking center stage at the Grammy’s on Sunday?The Great Mother in golden awesomeness proclaiming, “If we are going to heal, Let It Be Glorious.”Yes.More, please.Since the election I’ve had an idea gestating inside of me.As I watched the escalation of misogyny and entrenchment of the patriarchy… as the already repressive and archaic laws against women’s reproductive health and lives began to be targeted and ratcheted up by the new regime, my Ancient Source-eress began to stir.The long dormant dragon wanting to Breathe Fire and burn it all down.Ages and ages of silence and repression, abuse and oppression. The ignorance and violence unchecked and unfettered.It is a lot to bear.And this time there is more at stake than ever before.We don’t have time for retribution.Reparations can never be made for all We ha