Jody England

La Medicina



Greetings Sister,As we arrive on the shores of the last Wild Soul Medicine show of the year, I find myself in a contemplative and celebratory state.Not only are we bringing the year to a close, we are also completing the final year of a nine year cycle.With her sharp eyes and ability to turn her head in all directions, Mama Owl beckons us to See where we have been and cultivate our ability to discern where we are going.It is a momentous time to be alive.New invitations, opportunities, and paths will begin to present themselves, as the seeds of a New Age are tended and planted into their various fields of possibility.We are tasked with Listening with our Whole Being to where we are being Called and when.Finding the clarity and courage to Wait for right timing and alignment, to go Inward and steady our old habits and impulses as we make room for Sacred Yes.On Wild Soul Medicine radio today, I’ll be holding space for Conclusion.Coming together in Honor of our walk of 2016 and in curiosity of where our Vision beg