Jody England

Wild Soul Conversation with Vera de Chalambert



Winter Solstice is upon us here in the Northern Hemisphere.The shortest day and longest night of the year. The beginning of Winter. A time for reflection, as we embrace The Darkness and reconnect with the depth of our Inner Truth.In the midst of the tumult of violence and uncertainty echoing through our planet - a call for Stillness.Following our own North Star to a sanctuary of peace and shelter from the storm.As we grow in our spiritual work, we expand in our ability to Experience the honesty of Darkness.Dissolving our egoic constructs that would label dark or light as good or bad or have us reaching toward preference of one or the other.Sitting at the crossroads of a heart opened to Goddess, we Return to the Knowing of All Of Life.Dark and Light.Oneness.The center point of all Creation.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I am honored to share this sacred space of unity with another wise sister on The Path as we continue our series of Medicine Conversations.You may know her work from either of her two Kali-