Jody England




Greetings Sister,After slowing all the way down and dropping fully into the Pointlessness of last week, I find myself gently, tentatively coalescing at the edges of my Being.I have been resting deeply and giving myself permission to be Still.Following my inspiration down some rabbit holes of darkness and then riding a comet tail up toward the light.Allowing myself to be shifted, lifted, flipped and twisted into whatever areas of awareness made themselves known in a moment.There has been learning, healing, emotion, confusion, digestion, retention, release, and surrender.A Wild Soul experience of life.I feel rich with depth and alive with awakeness.Not yet pointed toward anything to DO, but just slowly, quietly FEELING all the feels.I have revisited some dark and shadowy places from my past this week and the Medicine from them still feels fresh in my system.On Wild Soul Medicine Radio this week, we dropped in to explore the wisdom of these windows of opportunity for healing and Wholeness.As the transmission unf