Jody England

My Kind of Oneness



Greetings, Sister,On my way to Costa Rica, I began a love affair with Adyashanti. As I was reading a collection of his talks in his book, Emptiness Dancing, I found myself underlining nearly every section.Captivated by his description of his experiences leading up to his Spiritual Awakening and the words he used to name the things that fall away as One gets close to Waking Up, I was smitten.I had been experiencing all of those same things my Self.I could feel I was close to something, and there was much relief at hearing a kindred Spirit speak about it with such Resonance.For the next 10 days I dropped into the deepest womb of Becoming.A crucible of awe-inspiring beauty, excruciating attunements, mind bending expansion, and ultimately My Own Kind of Oneness.It was decidedly more Wild Soul than Adya’s.No sitting quietly on a cushion and then suddenly realizing God’s Presence in Every Thing.No Transcendent realization that it is all so very simple. No blinking my eyes and suddenly finding myself in the innocen