Jody England

Law of Attraction - New School Style



Things are a bit crunchy around the edges here this morning. It is to be expected... as I am deep in the enrollments for Magik School, navigating a big transition on my support team, contemplating moving my family across the country, while also growing my company at an exponential rate.Whenever we challenge our edges we will naturally come up against another round of Medicine for our Soul.All expansion requires a stretching of old ways and sometimes an energetic unraveling as we break through our old containers and open to new ways of Being.As a Source-eress in the driver’s seat of my Creations, I am ever in the exploration of the nuances of conjuring my reality.The first spiritual business I created was actually a company that taught women about the Law of Attraction.With the popularity of the movie, The Secret, the idea of creating your reality through your thoughts and emotions was front and center back then and it was one of the first big epiphanies of my spiritual awakening.Since then, I have become a de