After The Hype

Scarlett Johansson: Iron Man 2 (2010)



To celebrate our last week of ScarJo month we're discussing perhaps one of the worst of the MCU fare, the film that put Scarlett on our radars and Black Widow in our hearts. That's right, we're talking about Iron Man 2. It...doesn't hold up, but not for lack of trying. You've got Robert Downey Jr. in top form, Sam Rockwell killing it as usual, and Scarlett Johansson kicking ass and taking names. You've even got Mickey Rourke in there hamming it up as the villain and despite having a bit of a mangled role, he manages to make an entrance.We also discuss Ghost World and Jo Jo Rabbit in brief, as well as try to figure out why this month's selections were all over the map quality-wise. It's a great episode that wraps up a really fun month.