After The Hype

Ep #182 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie



It's Morphin Time this week as we delve into the biggest movie event of your 90s childhood: MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE. Matt Lantrip joins us to help make sense of some of the more questionable aspects to this movie. You won't want to miss it! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? BRYAN - Gears of War 4 RYAN - Amy Schumer Stand-up JON - Waypoint Radio CHEWIE - Parks and Rec MATT - Back to the Movies, Logan, Get Out, Lego Batman RATING SYSTEM - “90s property” BRYAN - Big Bad Beetle Borgs RYAN - Ghostbusters (2016) JON - Sonic the Hedgehog CHEWIE - Street Sharks MATT - Starship Troopers