After The Hype

Ep #150 – The Bourne Trilogy



  This week we’re joined by special guests Alex Marshall-Brown and Eric Stolze to talk THE BOURNE TRILOGY. Listen to us punch, kick, and jump our way through three action-packed films with roughly the same plot. Whatever you do, just don’t mention Blackbriar because…wait. What’s that black van doing across the way? Why are there government agents surrounding the OH GOD IT’S TOO LATE OH NOOOO! ALEX MARSHALL-BROWN | QUENTIN TARANTINO’S SUICIDE SQUAD | ONLY A MOVIE | WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | TWITTER ERIC STOLZE | TWITTER | LATE PHASES: NIGHT OF THE LONE WOLF     WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? The part of the show where we catch up with what everyone is doing. Yes, we named this section such on purpose. It’s funny. Haha. BRYAN – Lucy JON – Pokemon Go CHEWIE – Sleepy Hollow ALEX – Essentialism ERIC – Stranger Things   FIND US ON TWITTER – @ATH_Podcast FIND US ON FACEBOOK – AFTER THE HYPE