After The Hype

Ep #137 – HYPETIZER: Civil War



  GET HYPE! This week it’s just Bryan, Ryan, and Jon and perhaps the biggest event in Marvel History! They’re shaking up the podcast formula a bit to talk the original “Civil War” event, and then hype both the upcoming movie and the sequel comic series! And they ask perhaps the most important question in all of podcast history: whose side are you on?   CIVIL WAR (2006-2007) Each of the hosts read the main event as well as a varied selection of comics surrounding the event. They discuss that just reading the main event itself misses some of the punch because of [SPOILERS].   CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Bryan, Ryan, and Jon are pretty hyped about the new movie, and they share their excitement, their worries, and their concerns. Possible spoiler talk, which will be proven true or false come the film’s release.   CIVIL WAR 2 Ryan gives Bryan and Jon the scoop on what to expect from the upcoming arc. Since all the original heroes have been replaced with newcomers, Bendis thought it would be good to shake up th