After The Hype

Ep #135 – Netflix Roulette



  Hi folks! We have an important episode for you this week. We let Netflix pick our movies in this battle episode and now we need YOU to pick the winner. Listen to the episode, study our arguments, and pick which one you want to win. GO TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE and let your vote be heard!   MAY THE BEST FILM WIN! In the spirit of our battle episodes, we put forth our arguments for best film randomly picked for us on Netflix. Here’s the rundown:   LOVE’S LABORS LOST – RYAN’S CHOICE! According to Ryan, the ingredients are all pretty good, but the combination doesn’t work very well.   COWBOYS VS DINOSAURS – BRYAN’S CHOICE! Bryan provided an exhaustive list on why this film was the best choice. The rest of us found it dubious.   JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK – ERIK’S CHOICE! And the oscar for best acting in a battle episode goes to…ERIK!   CURSE OF CHUCKY – JON’S CHOICE! Jon enjoyed the film, but struggled to defend the film in light of being completely shit on during the Jay and Silent Bob defense. But that’s