After The Hype

Ep #118 – Battle of the Turkey Time Movies



  Happy Turkey Time, y’all! Hope your day is full of family and fun. We’ve got a great battle episode to kick off the season, and it features some holiday gems you probably haven’t seen in awhile. Which film reigns supreme as the best Thanksgiving flick? Check out the episode and hear for yourself!   MAY THE BEST TURKEY DAY FILM WIN! In the spirit of our battle episodes, we put forth our arguments for best TURKEY DAY FILM. Here’s the rundown:   GRUMPY OLD MEN – BRYAN’S CHOICE!   PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES – RYAN’S CHOICE!   SON IN LAW – CHEWIE’S CHOICE!   SPIDER-MAN – CODY’S CHOICE!   ROCKY – TOM’S CHOICE!   WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? The part of the show where we catch up with what everyone is doing. BRYAN – FALLOUT 4 RYAN – THE MARTIAN CHEWIE – FLASH – EPISODE “ENTER ZOOM” CODY – MASTER OF NONE TOM – ASH VS THE EVIL DEAD   FIND US ON TWITTER – @ATH_Podcast FIND US ON FACEBOOK – AFTER THE HYPE