After The Hype

Ep #111 - Nightcrawler



This week Bryan and Jon are joined by Sam, Paul, Ryan, and Chewie to discuss the tense thriller NIGHTCRAWLER. We make Paul do the breakdown (since he hasn't been on the podcast in awhile) and we really tongue-bathe Mr. Gyllenhaal. No, seriously. We go to town on that wonderful performance. Check it out! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? BRYAN - Destiny JON - Terraria SAM - Aliens PAUL - Majora's Mask RYAN - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert CHEWIE - Doctor Who RATING SYSTEM - "MOVIES WHERE THE CITY IS A CHARACTER" BRYAN - Waiting for Guffman JON - Fargo SAM - Dark City PAUL - Leon: The Professional RYAN - Pulp Fiction CHEWIE - Dark Knight