After The Hype

Ep #104 - Guilty Pleasures: Video Game Movies



This week Bryan flies solo as Jon is stuck at work at the very last minute. Ryan, Tony, and Elvis come to the rescue and they have a grand time talking about GUILTY PLEASURE VIDEO GAME MOVIES! That’s right! The movies based off of games that aren’t “good” but find a very special and enjoyable place in their hearts. Check it out to see which movie wins out over the others. Have a guilty pleasure film we haven’t mentioned? Let us know! MAY THE BEST GUILTY PLEASURE WIN! Here’s the list of our guilty pleasure video game movies that we thought deserved top spot. Listen to the episode to see which one reigns supreme! DOUBLE DRAGON – BRYAN’S CHOICE! MORTAL COMBAT – RYAN’S CHOICE! ALONE IN THE DARK – TONY’S CHOICE! SUPER MARIO BROS – ELVIS’ CHOICE!