Peter Rukavina's Podcast

Spark on Personal Domain Names



Remember back in the 70s1 when I posted about how we should all have our own domain names and then held a workshop to walk the interested through the process? Well Spark picked up the notion this week and we taped an interview over the ISDN from CBC Charlottetown to CBC Toronto this afternoon. Thanks to the quick work in the Spark boiler room, you can listen to the raw interview now, mere hours later. Spark will follow with a blog post on Thursday, and the real live radio show will swallow the edited audio later. I arrived early at CBC for the taping and thus got to spend a pleasant 20 minutes chatting about broadcast audio with the inimitable Kenny Adams. If I ever decide to paddle across the Atlantic in a canoe, and need someone to arrange a live audio remote from the Sargasso Sea, Kenny is my man. 1. by “the 70s” I mean “last year at this time.”