After The Hype

The Snyder Cut: Dawn of the Dead (2004)



Here at Behind the Hype we've decided that it's time to take a deep dive into one of the more divisive filmmakers out there today: Zack Snyder. People either love his work or hate it, and no matter where you fall on that spectrum you can't deny that he is a visionary filmmaker. We're going to be discussing his "Snyder Cuts" this month, starting this week with his "director's cut" of Dawn of the Dead. The DC isn't all that much longer than the theatrical version and it doesn't significantly change the quality of the movie, but it's an indicator of what's to come for this filmmaker and hopefully gives some insight into how he approaches his films. Special shoutout to James Gunn, who wrote the film and paired so well with Snyder. Seriously, they should work together again.