Authors Read Podcast

Episode 72: Carmen Viktoria Gamper reads from Flow To Learn: A 52-Week Parent's Guide to Recognize and Support Your Child's Flow State – the Optimal Condition for Learning



Flow To Learn offers weekly ideas for parents & educators to encourage the flow state of optimal learning in children and themselves.Flow To Learn is an uplifting, illustrated guide with 52 weeks of insights into flow states, mindful support, and practical suggestions to create inspiring play and learning environments. Child-led learning opportunities readily entice children to focus deeply, which boosts their love for learning, creativity, and well-being while freeing up the adult’s time.Have you seen your child focus so deeply that they lose themselves in a task?When did you last lose track of time because you were having so much fun?What did you spend hours doing as a child? Do you remember that feeling?Flow is the focused, fulfilling state of learning that children and adults naturally experience during play, movement, and hands-on activities they love. In flow, we feel alive, we are authentically interested and deeply absorbed—and this is how we learn best and achieve more!FLOW (in ord