New Dimensions




Success is the desire of every person alive and breathing today, regardless of ethnicity, age or background. We all want to have meaning and a purpose for being alive. Some ways to describe success are the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the attainment of popularity or profit, prosperity, affluence, wealth, riches and opulence. As the years pass by in what seemingly appears to be ever faster and faster, we come a long way searching for something to find it's not there. It becomes revealed that the true meaning of life is not about what we are, but about our deeds. This challenges us at the very core. The things we have been exposed to—be it our family, the media, our education, our perceptions, and even our mentality—all point to success being found in getting more: more money, more recognition, more security. All of these are fine, but are an illusion of the conditioned mind.