New Dimensions

No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets



Many of us become disillusioned as the roads we initially thought were paved with gold were nothing more than a mirage. We experience challenges in life, sudden changes of circumstance that instead of stretching us to explore more, push us back. We become captives to our past. Society coerces us to stay on board with a plan we’ve set for our lives. We almost never challenge the plan to see if it’s the one society programs us to follow or if it is God’s Master plan for our individual and unique life. This episode will elucidate the listening audience that their past experiences were meant to mold and shape them to be a sharper instrument. To be able to stand unmoved by outside changes in circumstance, regardless of what is socially accepted. The episode will show that staying with principled choices will bring you the best God has for you. You will be able to live a life of no reserves, no retreats and no regrets.