New Dimensions




“Adversity” brbr Every day when we turn on our computers and televisions or open our newspapers, we witness tragedies, whether locally, nationally, or globally, that grip our attention. It appears that darkness is vying for our attention to rob us of joy. Adversity and psychological oppression have become the norm. Sadness abounds because we hear the voice of the distracter so loudly that we cannot hear the voice of God. brbr Adversity is part of our lives and can take shape in many forms. We often let adversity shape us, but it’s in how we perceive adversity that will ultimately speed up our course or delay our progress in life. brbr This show will guide, inspire, and elucidate the listener that God created you to be a victor and not a victim of your circumstances. It’s in embracing the cards we have been dealt and taking your created state for what it is that you will accomplish something glorious. We have a choice to either live a life of resistance or one of persistence.