New Dimensions

Show 'Change Your Way Of Thinking To Change Your Way Of Living'



Many of us are waiting for a day to bring change, when it’s only if we become the change from the inside that things on the outside can really be any different. We follow a path of least resistance, becoming spectators in the journey of life, holding out for the next “new” thing. This has become the pattern of our world and our thoughts. Our societally conditioned mind and our way of thinking becomes the illusion under which most of us live our lives. br To break out of this, we need to create a shift in our thinking so there can be a change in our living. We need to raise our consciousness so we can develop a greater awareness of what we think and how those thoughts can impact our lives. br We can actually reprogram the whole mind by refocusing it. This show will elucidate and challenge you to take dominion over your life, by ridding yourself of negative patterns of thinking that will predicate a complete transformation of your life to mindful living from this day forward.