Cook With Me

S1E45: Dumbledorf



S1E45: Dumbledorf Recipe: Paleo Waldorf Salad (Serves 2 home foodies) Get full ingredient lists Sunday mornings, plus calorie and macronutrient counts for all CWM recipes, on my Patreon page! For tonight's recipe, you'll need: EQUIPMENT: lg pan, md bowl, sm bowl, two knives, cutting board, spatula, tongs, stirring spoon BASICS: salt, pepper, olive oil, 2 eggs MEAT: 1 lb chicken breast PRODUCE: 1 head butter lettuce, 1 green apple, 7-10 grapes CANS & JARS: 1 tbsp mustard DRY & PACKAGED: raisins or craisins, sm package walnuts (1/4 Cup), nutritional yeast to taste ADD'L SEASONINGS: garlic powder