Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Joey Digs Himself Into a Hole and Ross Tries to Dig Himself Out of One



Signature Beverage: Montauk Iced Tea: 18 Ounces, Front and Back! http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/montauk-iced-tea-18-ounces-front-and-back 00:00:56 — What the heck is happening in the world? (aka The COVID-19 Rundown) 00:01:58 — We’re pretty sure our Montauk Iced Teas can kill any virus 00:07:09 — Our charity this season is… the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)! Donate here! https://donate.nami.org/handbagmarinara 00:09:23 — When we’re stressed, we regress! 00:11:35 — The not-so-silver lining of being a remote worker under quarantine 00:12:49 — TOW Joey Digs Himself Into a Hole and Ross Tries to Dig Himself Out of One 00:16:00 — The passion of Ross and Rachel’s reunion kiss 00:16:42 — Marinairhead Camille’s strong opinions about both Monica’s wardrobe AND Elizabeth’s being on Team Ross! 00:20:54 — The Good Place swearing rules for our NAMI donations this season 00:23:24 — The tragedy of the chain of events that led to Phoebe Jr’s life being so screwed up, when Phoebe Sr thought she was doing the ri