For Food's Sake

FFS 040 - Factory Farmed Superbugs



We are on the cusp of a post-antibiotic era. The golden age of miracle drugs may be coming to an end. To understand why, award-winning author Maryn McKenna joins us on the show to discuss the long intertwined history of antibiotics and industrial animal agriculture.  We discuss: What antibiotic resistance is and why it’s ‘the greatest slow-brewing health crisis of our time’ Why bacteria are winning and why Big Pharma are dragging their feet The birth of antibiotics and how it enabled industrial livestock production Why chicken lies at the centre of the story of antibiotics and industrial meat A bizarre footnote in the story of antibiotics called “Acronizing”  The fight to ban the use of growth promoting antibiotics The legislative battles ahead in fighting preventive use of antibiotics Beyond the doom and gloom: different models of antibiotic-free animal agriculture from around the world Wider lessons for the food movement from the story of antibiotics   Maryn McKenna is an independent journalist who specia