For Food's Sake

FFS 023 - COP23: Is meat finally on the table?



As the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) comes to a close in Bonn, Switzerland, where do we stand on our climate commitments? What issues are on the table, and which have been swept under the rug? How are we tackling what many consider to be one of the biggest elephants in the room – the role of livestock and global overconsumption of meat and dairy products? In this episode, we welcome back Mark Pershin on the podcast, founder and CEO of Less Meat Less Heat, an organization committed to shifting societal attitudes towards meat consumption to curtail agriculture’s damaging impact on the environment.   Mark and I discuss: Why so little progress has been made in reaching agreements on agriculture and food in UN Climate Change Conferences How a coalition is forming that aims to put the overconsumption of meat on the negotiating table and the role of livestock in climate change front and centre of policy debates Why grassroots movements and individual actions remain vital in the fight against climate change