For Food's Sake

FFS 021 - My Beef with Veganism



In this episode, I talk about my beef with Veganism. I explain why, after a 30-day vegan challenge, I remain a sceptical vegetarian. I talk about: How Vegan-endorsed health hypes and food fads create their own ethical dilemmas which vegans need to confront How the ‘Go Vegan, save the planet’ discourse is unhelpful for the movement, and factually questionable. How Veganism needs to move away from a self-understanding as the movement, and instead embrace its place as a movement among many (imperfect) dietary movements that support a move away from factory farming and industrial food production Links: UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (2013) ‘Tackling climate change through livestock’  Springman, A., Godfray, C.J., Rayner, M., Scarborough, P. (2016) ‘Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change’ Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences Vol. 113, No. 15  Blythman, J. (2016) ‘Can hipsters stomach the unpalatable truth about avocado toast?’ The Guardian (Opinion