Samurai Archives Japanese History Podcast

EP70 Barbarians at the Northern Gates - Russian Incursions During the Edo Period P1



Over the next two episodes of the S-A Podcast, we look at the Russian incursions into the Kuril island chain and Japanese territories during the Edo period.  Led by a variety of characters, from cartographers and political envoys to criminals and rogue adventurers, these incursions struck fear into the citizens of Japan's capital of Edo, and slowly developed and shaped the harsh treatment of shipwrecked foreign sailors by the Shogunate. Mentioned in this podcast: Tooke, William. View of the Russian Empire during the reign of Catharine the Second, and to the close of the present century (1799) Wildes, Harry. Russia's Attempts to Open Japan Russian Review Vol. 5, No. 1 (Autumn, 1945) Support this podcast: Shop, suport the podcast: Samurai Archives Bookstore: Samurai Archives Shop (T-Shirts, etc) Contact Us: Twitter