Iced Coffee Confessions

Episode 10: What She Said: Reclaiming Our Feminine Essence w/ Michelle Hope



And we’re back! It’s been a minute and honey this is a good one. 2020 is the year of owning my entire feminine being and essence - which means a focus on who I am as a woman: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sexually. No more speaking about ourselves in fragments and pieces my loves! It’s time to embrace ourselves in our totality. Inspired by my dear Sister and Healer Juliana, I’m starting a multipart series about reclaiming our feminine essence in 2020 (and beyond). In Episode 10 of the Iced Coffee Confessions, I’m pleased to welcome my Sistafriend, Michelle Hope, an unapologetically authentic Sexologist, Educator, and Activist, to kick off part one of these conversations. We talked about everything from the P-word and I do mean PATRIARCHY, to what our support systems need to be in order to fully embrace who we are in our totality, to the questions you should ask potential suitors while dating in a pandemic. Please note this is a GROWN FOLKS conversation. And that’s that on that. More