Phil Hulett And Friends

How to Keep Mom Safe from Phone and Mail Scams



Scams to Watch Out For Financial expert, Bill Francavilla offers tips on keeping Mom and Grandma from falling victim to scams. Francavilla's book, "The Madoffs Among Us, Combat the Scammers, Con Artists and Thieves Who Are Plotting to Steal Your Money," provides ample information about the popular scams bad people use to steal money from trusting elderly people, especially widows. Movie Reviews Next up is Manny the Movie Guy with reviews on "Breaking In" and "Life of the Party." Do either of them offer more than what you've seen in the trailers? Plus Manny comments on the surprises in the current top 5 movies of the year for box office take. Weird Stuff Stand-up comedian, Katie Elsaesser joins Phil Hulett to co-host today's show. These stories were brought to the table: This airline now serves pizza! We think we found the worst possible thing that can crawl into somebody's ear. Nice job removing it in pieces, doctor! Kids these days! The latest social media challenge led to a skin graft for one teenage rocket