Phil Hulett And Friends

Heavy Metal Master Chef



Heavy Metal Chef! Master Chef Paul Moss, aka, His Rockin' Highness, checks in from Edinburgh, Scotland to talk about his new show which melds gourmet cooking with heavy metal music. The show is called, King of the Kitchen and it debuts on KNAC.COM May 15th, 2018. Movie Reviews! Up next, Manny the Movie Guy i ready to party. Tomorrow is his birthday, otherwise known as, Cinco de Manny! Will Manny's good mood extend to this weekend's box office fare? How many kisses will "Tully," "Bad Samaritan" and "Overboard (2018)" get? Further, what will Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell think of the remake of their cult favorite 1980's movie? Twisted Story Time! Up for a change? Phil Hulett's co-host today is Clinical Sexologist and Psychotherapist, Dr. Kristie Overstreet. If you're ready for stories, here we go: Is Facebook ready to launch a dating app for long-term relationships? Has the sexual revolution forgotten about unattractive men? Some of these guys are crying foul and want their women, now! Who wears blue jeans more