Phil Hulett And Friends

Parents Have Ruined Kids' Sports



Kids' Sports Check Up with Dr. Bob If you long for the days when kids' sports actually meant more than a participation trophy, a time when kids understood the meaning of winning and losing, team work, a common goal, and all the life lessons sports can teach, then you are in luck with this part of PHAF. [9:55] The Sports Doctor, Dr. Bob Weil checks in with his thoughts on surviving kids' sports season without injury and without parents getting thrown into jail for insisting too vehemently that the referee made a bad call or their kid should be in the game instead of warming the bench. Dr. Bob co-wrote the book, "#Hey Sports Parents!" If you or somebody you know is a badly-behaved parent or your kid has the hand-eye coordination of newborn giraffe, you need to listen to this segment to know what kids' sports really can be for you and your child. Stretching Your Dollar Thin on a European Vacation Up next, [28:41] Travel Dude, Gary Warner takes control of the show temporarily with bad news for your European vacat